Random Musings on life

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Faux Beautiful People

We are assaulted by images of what we are told are "The Beautiful People". I am surrounded by beautiful people and they have no similarity to what I am being told is "beautiful". There's my friends who are bald and radiant while undergoing chemo, lopsided from mastectomy but perfectly balanced, scarred but not diminished by brain surgery, trapped inside a body with Lou Gehrig's disease and remains brilliant. Every line and wrinkle on gorgeous faces are a tatoo of remembrance; a dead child, failed marriage, beginnings and endings. Where are you "pretenders to the throne; you fake beautiful people?" I fail to recognize you as I am blinded by the rainbow of beauty that I call friends and family.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Goin on a Roadtrip

One of my daughters has invited me to a show called Celtic Woman this evening. Sounds interesting and fun. It's about 2 hours away and it appears to be a lovely day for a drive. Yeah. Also good news; my brother and his girlfriend are arriving home from the Mayo Clinic Hospital where she had undergone brain surgery last week. Fascinating procedure!! I got to view a video clip! All in all it's a good day.